BIC and the BIC Foundation are Committed to Promoting Creativity in Education for Children and Youth

Our team members are proud to be a part of the global effort to improve learning conditions for students worldwide. We fulfill our commitment to education by supplying grants and product donations, volunteering in our communities, and forming global partnerships – equipping our children and young adults to make their mark on our world. 

In support of this mission, the BIC Corporate Foundation recently hosted an event in collaboration with Môm'Artre and Fondation Culturespaces, French-based non-profit organizations dedicated to developing creative skills in children and adults while promoting access to opportunities. The event took place at our global headquarters in Clichy, France, offering children from the organization a unique opportunity to explore the world of art and education through BIC's lens and meet with members of our team. 

“At the BIC Foundation, we look to involve BIC team members in our mission, inviting them to volunteer with our NGO partners. This event was a great opportunity for team members to get involved in a purposeful activity and to get to know more about Mom’Artre, all while allowing kids to discover the corporate world for the first time,” shares Alicia Ruizhuidobro, Senior Project Manager - BIC Foundation. 

Founded in 2016, the BIC Foundation is renowned for its commitment to providing quality education for children and youth from developing communities around the globe. By partnering with non-profit organizations like Môm'Artre and Foundation Culturespaces, that share BIC’s focus on building creative skills in children and youth the Foundation aims to unlock the potential of young individuals through creative skill development.   

During the event, children from schools across Paris joined our team members for an immersive afternoon of art and education – all centered around our iconic BIC products!  The event began with an introduction to our brand and an interactive presentation on the history of BIC. Our team members volunteered to greet the students and offered them insight into the work they do here to create the products that generations of people have grown up with.   

The highlight of the event was an escape game, specially designed by BIC team members, which challenged the children's problem-solving skills, teamwork, and creativity. As they worked together to solve puzzles, they discovered hidden clues and unlocked the history of BIC, further inspiring their passion for creativity and education.  

Morgan Etienne, Communication Project Manager at BIC, was proud to share her thoughts about the event stating, "Introducing this generation of up-and-coming artists to our history and heritage was a special moment for me. Their communicative energy and curiosity during the day are proof that artistic practice and cultural discovery are essential for the development of self-confidence. Thank you to the BIC Foundation for allowing us to discover such wonderful initiatives!" 

Through continued partnerships with organizations like Môm'Artre and Foundation Culturespaces, the BIC Foundation and our team members hope to continue inspiring the next generation of creative minds.  

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