Upskill and Unlock Your Potential

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, continuous learning is pivotal to career growth. At BIC we recognize that the professional development of our team members goes beyond just training, which is why we take a 360-degree approach to learning, providing team members with resources and opportunities to continuously upskill in their careers. From various learning platforms tailored to the skills and goals of our team members, to virtual development opportunities that accelerate growth for the diverse needs of our global team - Team BIC is all about career ownership. 

Check out our strategies for upskilling, so that you can set yourself up for success: 

Participate in Instructor-Led Training:👩🏻‍🏫

Instructor-led training offers structured guidance and real-time interaction, fostering a conducive environment for development by providing immediate feedback, personalized support, and opportunities for collaborative learning. 

At BIC: We offer experiential training programs dedicated to aiding the development of our team members at all levels in their careers. Through leadership programs, like our Signature Series, we leverage a variety of techniques like assessments, coaching, e‑learning, and leadership debriefs virtually, so our team members can develop the necessary leadership skills to advance their careers while connecting and learning from others around the globe.  

Leverage Digital Learning Platforms:🌐

Online learning platforms help facilitate convenient access to a diverse range of courses and resources, offering personalized learning paths and interactive tools that allow you to tailor your learning journey to align with your career goals.  

At BIC: Our team members have access to Degreed, an online learning experience platform with tailored learning opportunities and curated content (from thousands of resources) including videos, courses, and podcasts, to boost learning in the flow of our work. 

Engage in Networking and Mentorship:🫱🏼‍🫲🏽

Engaging with mentors can provide valuable insights into the skills that are highly sought after in your industry and guidance on how to navigate your career path effectively. Through meaningful connections, insights from experienced individuals, and access to tailored guidance mentorship can help accelerate your personal growth and success. 

At BIC: Our Global Mentorship Program connects BIC’s experienced professionals (Mentors) with team members seeking to develop in their career and achieve their professional goals (Mentees). In 2023, we had four cohorts of 411 mentors and mentees who successfully completed the program and rated their satisfaction as 4.6 out of 5, exemplifying the power of mentorship! 

Embrace On-the-Job Learning: ✰ ✰ ✰

Actively seeking opportunities within your current role is a great way to apply new skills. This hands-on approach not only solidifies your understanding but also demonstrates your commitment to growth, making you an invaluable asset to your team. 

At BIC: Following our 70-20-10 model, a large portion of team member development comes from on-the-job training and learning from others. Through opportunities like stretch projects and formalized feedback, we amplify skill development in real-world contexts while leveraging the expertise and experience of colleagues.  

Set Clear Goals: ✔

Establishing clear and achievable goals is crucial for upskilling. Whether it's obtaining a certification, mastering a new programming language, improving leadership skills, or developing BIC core competencies having specific objectives will keep you focused on your professional development. 

At BIC: Each year, BIC team members go through goal setting with their managers – a time when we set clear, measurable goals not only to help drive the growth of our business but also to empower the personal achievements of our team members.  

Here at BIC, we recognize that professional development is unique for everyone and providing a 360-degree approach to learning ensures our team members feel empowered to upskill and take ownership of their careers.

Ready to take the next step in your career? Explore open roles here: